I almost made it a whole year without a post! haha. oops.
anyway, I've just spent the last 45 minutes or so looking back through this blog. I've had the itch to blog lately, but I'm an easily-distractable girl. always. still. even at 25.
I figured I'd post here for now, but this doesn't really feel like my place anymore. I never really made it mine, and in so many of my posts, I can read between my own lines & see the me who is always trying not to look too bad but to still be honest and and and. which is fair, because who wants to look bad? but that's not where I want to be in my life. I hide all the time, everywhere, always. so when I finally possibly maybe commit to blogging, I don't want to hide. fair?
in the meantime, my dear 7 followers, I love you all. I miss having you in my life, and I'll be sure to post a link to my new blog here somewhere. when I start it. ;)
5 months ago