16 November 2009

spring. no, wait. winter. no, wait. autumn. no, wait...

I can't decide if I want to LOVE or HATE this weather. I guess it beats cold & rainy, but I'm kind of getting to the point where I wouldn't mind trudging through some snow. Some real snow. Not slush. Not freezing rain. Regular, good old-fashioned, Narnia-grade fluffy snowflakes.

please, God? pleeeeease?

05 November 2009


I know this is simple & duh, but I was just sitting here thinking about how I'd like to post something, but how obviouslyIcouldn'tbecauseIdon'thaveenoughtime&plusIhavenothinggoodtosay... when I decided 'hey. WHO CARES? It's just my blog. Why CAN'T I post something less-than-profound or not-so-witty. And short?'

So here. I need to steal my words back. College has paralyzed that part of me. Also, I want to skip my homework & take a nap & hang out with my man instead. BAH.