Since I walked at graduation last year with my class for part of my degree, I won't be walking again this year. It's sort of strange, really, because last year, I participated in all the festivities without being able enjoy what they represented. This year, there's a lot less festivity in my life & a whole lot more denial that this really is the end of my undergrad career. I'm so excited & so terrified all at once.
I don't know. For now, I suppose I'll just make my festivities the more personal kind - coffee with friends, movie nights with the girls, dinner dates. Who knows when/if I'll ever see some of these people again?
edit: I glanced at this again & realized that it was a lot more sad that I meant for it to be. I blame the lack of sleep :). I'm quite happy, actually, it's just one of those moving on points in life - a very good one, but one I have to see play out before I know what it will be like. I know I'll be in touch with those I'm closest to (but I hate phones, people, so let's be creative... LETTERS!!!) & that I'll meet plenty of new & wonderful people, I just feel a teensy bit misty-eyed when I think about it all. Change is a part of life that I love & long for but that I also try to avoid sometimes. I don't mind. :)
5 months ago