06 December 2010

I've decided it's perfectly acceptable...

...if I always have a little procrastination in me. if my best intentions don't always work out as planned. if my sisters always think I'm weird. & lots of other things. :)

I've also decided I spend way too much time thinking about what I haven't done, what I'm not so good at, what I wish I could do better... & not enough time doing the things I love (regardless of whether or not I actually do them well...), trying the things I've always wanted to try, & just generally letting myself be who I am. Welcome to being human, right? I know. I'm certainly not the only one. But still. I'm allowed my turn.

I think that part of what keeps me from actually sticking to a blog or a journal is that I'm a little bit of a chicken. So I'm making a deal with myself. If I want to write, I will. About whatever. If I don't, I just won't. End of story. Obligations lifted. Ha! :)

It's really sort of funny, you know, how much we I sometimes worry about what people might think about how I say something or even what I say. I figure that in the long run I am who I am, even when I do say something that reminds me EXACTLY of my mother. Really, just take it or leave it. It doesn't need to be much more complicated than that. But I'm the one who complicates it. So for the next 60 or so years (I hope), my goal will be to travel as far from that self-inflicted silliness as possible. Ready GO! :D

All of that said, have I ever mentioned that I love snow? I mean, reeeeally love it? We're talking run-outside-and-play-ultimate-frisbee-for-three-hours-in-it, walk-in-piles-of-it-up-to-my-knees, ski-sled-make-snow-angels love it.

aaaaaand before I go for now, I figure I should at least mention grad school since it's been so long since I've been on here that I've never said a word about it. Grad school! It's fantastic & awful all at once. A really great sort of awful. The kind of awful that keeps you up way too late writing almost encyclopedic-sounding papers about pathologies, driving a one-hour commute in two hours to avoid dying in the snow drifts just so you can get to your clinical and work with your client (& finding out that it was totally worth it), reading wordy articles by obnoxious researchers on what turn out to be incredibly fascinating topics. Fantastic and awful. I love it.