I have more of them than I'd like to admit, I think. But there are just some things that people do that I find particularly irksome.
I actually think this certain pet peeve of mine is the result of the largely Christian tendency to fake outrageous levels of kindness and politeness. I'm sure this is more than just a Christian thing, but since I'm surrounded by Christians at Houghton, Christians are the only ones I usually see doing this.
and it drives. me. crazy.
It's this weird habit some people have of thanking you in advance for doing something. "Thanks for getting back to me as soon as possible" just sounds bossy and arrogant. Wouldn't "please get back to me as soon as possible" get the same message across and be a whole lot less presumptuous? Saying "thank you" before someone even does anything only makes you seem like you're trying so hard to drip honey and flowers and rainbows that you're hoping no one can see that lack of authenticity that's really oozing out. Just say what you mean. I promise, I'll have so much more respect for you if you do.
Subtle inflections and word choice make more of a difference in the impressions we give people than we realize.
And in case you're thinking that I claim to be exempt from this weird, backfiring attempt at "impression management" or whatever you'd like to call it... I don't. I know I'm guilty of it sometimes, too. But I try to be mindful of how I say things. Just because things have the same basic meaning doesn't mean that they really mean the same thing. It's that whole 'house' versus 'home' thing.
5 months ago
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