...is no fun at all.
So I decided to make a list of, well, some pretty random things, actually, while I lay here in the glow of my ancient IBM thinkpad, snuggled under my big, fluffy, white blanket with my ragged Teddy (who is, incidentally, a polar bear, and not a teddy bear at all) & my freshly-heated rice bag (which is, incidentally, a cushy oven mitt filled with rice & cinnamon & heated a la microwave, and is not really a bag at all). While writing overly-detailed run-on sentences. And overusing ampersands. And apparently writing sentence fragments. And being a geek and knowing what an ampersand is. Sigh... oh, the mental senselessness of sleeplessness. I make myself laugh a little when I'm this sleepy. :)
Without further ado, the random list:
1) I love the warm cinnamon & rice smell of my rice... oven mitt.
2) My room is super clean at the moment. And all of my laundry is clean, folded (to my way-too-strict standards, haha), & put away. Tidiness compliments of my sleepless night two nights ago.
3) My two favorite words at the moment are "vermicious" & "screed."
4) I love water.
5) Sym Winds tour was postponed. We have tomorrow off now, & we won't start until Friday. I feel sad for the people whose diligent planning got squashed, but I am thrilled to have at least one day of break to actually relax.
6) I love playing the contrabass clarinet. Especially the low notes. They rattle my eyes, no lie.
7) I'm in the midst of reading several books right now - in between class reading, which has made outside reading difficult lately. Books in process: Eats, Shoots, & Leaves, by Lynne Truss; 1984, by George Orwell; and Watchmen, by Alan Moore (no, I still haven't finished it since I read the first half of it in the fall because I've been so busy... poor excuse, I know. & before you judge me for reading it, read it, & be pleasantly surprised, I promise... many of the more recent graphic novels actually prove to be quite impressive pieces of literature/art, and I have my adolescent lit professor to thank for opening that door).
8) I'm taking a lit class called "Modern & Contemporary Drama" right now, and I absolutely love it. We're studying the realism of modern drama and the absurdism of contemporary works... and I'm falling in love. Just like I fell in love with the Beat Generation of the 1950s last semester.
9) With every passing addition to this list, I just seem to be revealing more and more just how geeky I really am. And I'm okay with that. :)
10) Current music obsessions (yes, obsessions... are those still okay when you're 22?):
"Snails" by The Format
"Paris 1919" by John Cale
"Laughing With" by Regina Spektor
"A New Law" by Derek Webb
"Nobody Knows Me at All" by The Weepies
"Jump Rope" by Blue October (the video link to this one is Houghton!)
"Float On" by Modest Mouse
"You Really Got a Hold On Me" by She & Him
"La Valse D'Amélie" from the movie Amélie
[...among about a million others. Sigh, music.]
So that's good for now. I hope sleep will come soon.
5 months ago