So much to do. So naturally, I come here. ;)
Lately, I've been spending far too much time pining for a laptop & OS that can handle photo-editing, video-making, and, well, really I'd be pretty happy with more than 32 gigs (or whatever this silly little Houghton thinkpad has) so that I could actually empty the camera I've been using once in a while. [run-on sentence, mhmm. you will learn quickly that I love them when it comes to accurately relating what happens in my brain]. Speaking of cameras, whinewhinewhinewimper I miss mine, mediocre as it was. I do, however, owe Luke a great big hug for being so generous with his for the last... gracious, 8 or 9 months, off & on.
And a side note: I'm rather proud of myself for having enough technological prowess to have used the term "OS" properly. I'm serious. This is a big deal.
Before I leave you for more constructive things [read: cleaning my poor room with the help of The Weepies & Regina Spektor; reviewing realistic & absurdist theatre/playwrights for Tuesdays exam; and finally, attempting to fend off my body's latest trick, sleeplessness, with some relaxing yoga], I thought I'd leave a little tribute to my much-loved dwarf hamster, Ava, who died during the night last Wednesday/Thursday. I got her almost two years ago, at the very end of March 2008, during a very trying but growth-filled time in my life. She'd been sick off & on since just before Thanksgiving 2009, and as silly as it may sound to say a thing like this about a little rodent, she fought hard. I've felt completely ridiculous crying over something that seems, in the bigger picture, so insignificant, but today I decided to stop being apologetic for being human about this. She meant a lot, tiny though she may have been. That should be enough, right? I think so.
5 months ago
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