Why do we Christians turn what really, if you actually think about, is a rather simple command into such a warped concept?
Love. Love. Love.
Not "love, & then..." or "love, but..." or "love if..." or "except when" or "until"... just love.
Love God. Love people. Leave the rest up to him.
I know it goes deeper than this black & white command, but the basis of it all is love, & man, have we ever lost sight of that.
...& lest you should think that I've think I've got this all figured out & I'm just here to pass along some unloving, hypocritical judgement (okay, so I prefer the British spelling... get over it.) on you all... don't. I'm just as guilty as the next beautiful mess of a broken person.
That's why God's so... God.
5 months ago
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