26 May 2010

watch this (& if you're like me, fawn over the man in the Scrabble shirt...)

 "And so actually our disarticulation . . . ness
is just a clever sort of . . . thing
to disguise the fact that we've become
the most aggressively inarticulate generation
to come along since . . .
you know, a long, long time ago!"

10 May 2010

domesticity (& the creepy Albion tale continues rather uncreepily)

I made homemade popcorn this afternoon.

For dinner, I sauteed broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, & tofu.

& I just finished making guacamole. & it's delicious.

I feel so...so...housewifey.

Also, I found out today that the creepy man from last night was actually the boyfriend of the girl who lives across the street. aaaaaahahaha, I bet they were having an un-parent-approved visit & got caught.

That'll teach 'em. :)

(between my domestic activities & my neighborhood creeping, I suddenly feel a little bit like I belong on Wisteria Lane. oh my.)

have I mentioned I love fruit? or, tales of creepy dear old Albion.

So day one went smashingly. It's funny, really, because I ate pretty much like I do any other day (it helps that I'm a vegetarian to begin with, I'm sure). The most difficult part is trying to do this while I live with my family - their cupboards aren't even vegetarian-friendly, let alone vegan-friendly. So I made a much-needed trip to the store & bought soy milk (which I already drink), Edy's fruit bars (best things ever), tofu, & a cucumber. And my mom bought me a grapefruit.

Now for something completely unrelated - my sister was just finishing a project for school tomorrow, & on her way up to bed, she walked by the front window & saw a man standing in front of the house across the street. Just standing there. Creepily. Someone turned the lights on in the house & he took off running... then she said it reminded her of that awful, terrifying movie The Strangers & it freaked me out & now I won't let her leave me down here alone.

How's that for my first full day as a grown up, 23-year-old college graduate?

09 May 2010


I just had my last bowl of normal, fancypants ice cream for a bit. I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to try the whole vegan thing for a month, just for kicks. I mean I have a few other reasons, too, but mainly, I just wanted a silly little project to kick-start my summer. & my graduated life! So. We shall see how this goes. Basically, I'm addicted to grapefruit & broccoli, anyway, so I'm pretty set, right? haha... YUM. :D ...I'm calling it "the Month of Vegan." I mean, not really, but for this post... I did. Ha.

In other news, I have a Bachelors degree! Well, not physically yet... but it'll come in the mail in a few weeks. Now to find a summer job to keep me busy until grad school...
