So day one went smashingly. It's funny, really, because I ate pretty much like I do any other day (it helps that I'm a vegetarian to begin with, I'm sure). The most difficult part is trying to do this while I live with my family - their cupboards aren't even vegetarian-friendly, let alone vegan-friendly. So I made a much-needed trip to the store & bought soy milk (which I already drink), Edy's fruit bars (best things ever), tofu, & a cucumber. And my mom bought me a grapefruit.
Now for something completely unrelated - my sister was just finishing a project for school tomorrow, & on her way up to bed, she walked by the front window & saw a man standing in front of the house across the street. Just standing there. Creepily. Someone turned the lights on in the house & he took off running... then she said it reminded her of that awful, terrifying movie The Strangers & it freaked me out & now I won't let her leave me down here alone.
How's that for my first full day as a grown up, 23-year-old college graduate?
5 months ago
Holy crow, that is so creepy. Was he looking at your house or the other house? if you see him again i'd attack him with a bat...or call the police, lol.
It was probably Brad...I'll knock his lights out. Not even lying.
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