10 May 2010

domesticity (& the creepy Albion tale continues rather uncreepily)

I made homemade popcorn this afternoon.

For dinner, I sauteed broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, & tofu.

& I just finished making guacamole. & it's delicious.

I feel so...so...housewifey.

Also, I found out today that the creepy man from last night was actually the boyfriend of the girl who lives across the street. aaaaaahahaha, I bet they were having an un-parent-approved visit & got caught.

That'll teach 'em. :)

(between my domestic activities & my neighborhood creeping, I suddenly feel a little bit like I belong on Wisteria Lane. oh my.)


Ruth...ie? said...

hahahahaha oh Danielle, I miss you!
And, might I add, you would make a hilarious addition to Wisteria Lane ;)

Katie said...

Oh my! I've always thought that you should have your own television series, and now I'm certain of it!